I can’t collect the dice

If you don’t receive any dice, you may receive one of two error messages:

“Sorry, this reward has already been claimed”
You may have already redeemed the dice linked to that link from another source (facebook groups, telegram, etc).
You have already clicked on the link before and kept the reward.

“Sorry, this reward cannot be claimed”
The cube link is no longer valid.

Instead, if you click on the button to redeem the dice, the Monolpoly GO app opens but nothing happens (no popup, no communication, nothing):
1. close Monopoly GO completely
2. go back to Sticker GO and click again on the button previously used to redeem the dice even if the button is already clicked.
In some cases this solves the problem.

The functioning of the links is not up to us and in general the free dice or stickers are available for a limited time.
We do not generate the links for the free dice, stickers or rewards, but only provide a way to redeem them.

Does the link redirect you to the Apple App Store? Click here

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